Monday, September 03, 2007

Forward Moving Faith

Dear Church Family,

Grace and peace! Time has slipped away from us, and I recently realized that it has been quite awhile since we've written to you. It seems like the summer flew by, and now the beautiful fall season is upon us. With fall, and the return of children to school, many of us begin again in our daily schedules and routines, which are sometimes a refreshing change after the busy-ness of summer. I have always enjoyed structure, so getting back into the "routine of things" has been welcomed at my house! I find that as I re-focus on my normal daily disciplines, I take time to analyze my spiritual life as well to make sure that it, too, is sharp and focused. I want to know that I am continually gaining ground and not back-tracking in all areas-spirit, soul, and body.

This type of living-continually analyzing our lives for the purpose of bringing about growth and improvement-is one way to live our lives seeing through the eye of faith. We believe that God always has good plans for our future, so we strive to do TODAY the things that will cause us to prosper TOMORROW.

The New Testament Greek word for faith is pistis. The very nature of this word denotes a force that is forward-directed and aggressive-never passive or backward-reaching, but always reaching forward to obtain or achieve a specific target or goal. Let's look at this definition a little more closely:

"A force that is forward-directed"- If we are walking in the Spirit, we should never be going backward in our Christian walk, or even staying the same! We should always be taking new ground. We don't have the power to continually think like this on our own. The only force that could enable us to live at all times with a forward-directed mentality is the Force of the Holy Spirit working on the inside of us.

"Aggressive-never passive"- Human nature invites us to "coast" when things are going okay and to "ride" on the waves of yesterday's move of God in our life or our church. However, yesterday's move is not good enough for today! God wants us to seek Him aggressively, with passion in our hearts, each and every day. Remember: "The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." (Matthew 11:12)

"Always reaching forward to obtain or achieve a specific target or goal"- Always means always! There's no time to take a break in our faith walk. We must have our eyes set on the goal and be ever reaching forward from deep within our spirits to achieve whatever that goal may be. Whether it's your job, a relationship, your family life, your spiritual growth, or the ministry that God has called you to, don't lose your faith focus.

The Holy Spirit is on the move at Abundant Life Church! Pastor and I are striving to live in the very essence of this definition of faith each day for ourselves, for you, and for this ministry. We are believing God for increase in every area of our church. We appreciate your prayers and the spiritual supply that you bring! May each of you continue to grow and be strengthened in your walk with the Lord!

For the Kingdom,
Pastor Rebecca


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