Monday, June 04, 2012

Summer Charge

Dear Church Family,

It seems like every year around this time of the year the Lord puts it on my heart to charge people to stay faithful to God through the summer months. There is always a lot going on during this time of the year, but we must not neglect our duties to the Lord.

Second Timothy 2:4 says, “No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier”. Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines entangle in this manner: “To twist or interweave in such a manner as not to be easily separated. To involve in any thing complicated, and from which it is difficult to extricate one’s self”.

Some Christians’ lives are so immersed in the world that they don’t even realize they are in a war and that God has enlisted them as soldier in the army of God. They simply got their “ticket to heaven” and didn’t stick around to hear their marching orders from the Lord. I really feel for people like that because they are living a shallow life and certainly aren’t living with any true sense of purpose. They will have no reward when they stand before the Lord one day. We must get our eyes off ourselves and on Jesus and His plan for our lives.

Kenneth E. Hagin once said, “There is no place like being in the will of God”. When we are in our place serving God faithfully we are going to experience the greatest level of joy and spiritual blessing in our lives. God will also take care of us as we serve in His army. We can have a good time and serve God too, fulfilling all that He has called us to do.

In First Timothy 4:15 Paul made the following statement to Timothy, his son in the faith: “Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all”. What we meditate on and give ourselves to is what we will produce in our lives. I encourage you to keep God and His plan for your life in the center of all that you do this summer. Have a good time, but don’t become entangled with anything that will keep you from faithfully serving the Lord!

God bless,

Pastor Jeff


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