Thursday, November 29, 2007


I have recently been meditating on Ephesians 2:10 which says that "we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them". You and I are God's workmanship, His own handiwork. He molds and shapes us to be vessels of glory to be used for His purposes in the earth. This verse also says that we are created in Christ Jesus for good works. When you and I confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are born again and are now created in Christ Jesus after God's own likeness. We are born of the Spirit of God. God comes to live in these earthen vessels. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new". You and I are created in Christ Jesus for the purpose of doing good works. We are to glorify God with our thoughts, words, and actions--with all of our hearts. When we do this God is glorified and His plan is carried out on the earth through the body of Christ.

So does this mean that we become robots when we get saved and are just created to work, work, work for God and never enjoy life? No, it's quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. That's the glory of the New Testament and the ministry of the Spirit through us. He gives us the desire to live for God and to serve God and the grace to do it. He also reminds us that ultimately a reward is laid up for each of us in eternity when we live for His glory. That should inspire each of us and give us a sense of destiny and purpose as well as joy for the journey. Not only that, but He helps us to enjoy our families and friends and to live a balanced life. Anyone who has done much for God knows that to continue to be used of God one must continually draw from the the rivers of living water and let his or her soul be refreshed in the Lord.

The last part of Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that God has already prepared ahead of time that we should fulfill these good works. I don't know about you but I'm not living just for life on this earth at this present time. I believe that God has had a plan for my life and for yours from the beginning of time and that He is counting on us to live out that plan. I believe He wants to use us in a mighty way. I believe that there is only one chance to get it right. There is no second time around on this earth. I want to do as much good as I can right now. I want to affect as many people as I can right now. I want to win as many people to the Lord as I can right now. I want to bring us much glory to God as I can right now. It's what I was created for. It's what you were created for. Will you accept the challenge, or will you miss out on the wonderful blessing of living a life for God's purpose? Whenever you choose God's way you are choosing the way of life! God bless each of you as you follow after God with all of your heart. There are always going to be opportunities to get distracted, discouraged, and sidetracked. But know that you serve a BIG God and that He is BIG in you!

Pastor Jeff