Christian Training Event
You’ve probably heard by now that Rev. Tony Cooke is going to be ministering at our church May 2 and 3. I want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone involved in any area of helps ministry and anyone that might be in the future to be at the training seminar on May 2 from 1:00 to 4:50 PM. (We changed it to the afternoon to accommodate Rev. Cook’s schedule). He is one of the top teachers and trainers in Christian ministry today. He was Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin’s associate pastor for twenty years and a beloved teacher at Rhema Bible Training Center. There isn’t much that he hasn’t seen or encountered in ministry.
Rev. Cooke is sure to bring fresh insight and perspective into your involvement in the local church and I know that you will be a greater asset to God and to the church after going through this training (not that you aren’t valuable now). I know that this is on a Saturday afternoon in the month of May, but this is time for a gut check to see how much you are willing to pay the price to be used of God. People who truly desire to be used by God don’t look for excuses why they can’t do something; they look for ways to make it happen. That is why I am giving you as much advance notice as possible, so you can get this on your calendar and make it a priority. It is certainly a priority to God.
We will have snacks and drinks available for the three scheduled breaks. Also, there will be no Sunday evening service on May 3 since we are doing the training on May 2. Let’s honor God and God’s servant by showing up ready to learn at this event. Please arrive around 12:45 so we can get started at 1:00 PM. Also, please place a check mark by your name on the sign up sheet at the information booth so we know you are coming. Thank you and God bless!
Pastor Jeff