Pressing In
I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to press into God this summer with all of your heart. Summer is typically a time when people like to take it easy, go on vacations, and enjoy various outdoor activities. I am reminding you that your relationship with God should never take a break. He is the source of all life, goodness, joy, etc. Each of our lives would be empty without Him.
So instead of coasting this summer spiritually, make it your aim to press in more than everbefore. Set personal goals to attain new heights in your walk with God. If you have children,this is a great time to take them farther with God. They are out of school and have no homework. Try to learn some extra Scriptures with them and have some family devotions.
Church attendance should also remain high. Don’t let summer activities keep you out of services. The one or two unavoidable situations are always understandable, but some people make little effort to plan activities around church attendance. To me that is a reflection of their heart. The heart that reverences God wants to be with God and wants to be in church around other Christians, hearing the Word and being encouraged.
I would like to especially encourage parents of teenagers to bring your child to Wednesday night youth service. This is their night to connect with God and each other and hear relevant youth messages. We had a smaller group in youth last Wednesday evening, which means this is a great time to bring your teens and let them get connected with other teens in our church. They can forge relationships that will last not only in the school year but for many years to come. They can make a difference for God together much easier than alone. We need our teens to get connected and built up and to be the influence when other unsaved teens step into
Velocity. This summer is your opportunity to get your teen connected and discipled. Let’s believe God for an explosion in our youth group this summer.
Our children’s classes are also great on Wednesday evening and we would love to see thatcontinue to grow. There are no homework assignments and no buses to catch the next morning. Let’s let this summer be a high point and not a low point in each of our spiritual lives.
Remember Proverbs 4:23, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” Let’s keep God at the center of our hearts.
God bless.
Pastor Jeff