Rising Higher
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As Believers, the Spirit of Grace is continually calling, encouraging us to rise up higher in Him, seeing ourselves in our rightful position as Sons and Daughters of the Most High. This position, purchased for us by the Blood of the Son, is seated in heavenly places with Christ. (Eph. 2:4-6)
Jude 1:20 in the Amplified Bible says, “But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit…”
Let me share with you an illustration I heard recently which so powerfully demonstrates this truth. Think of a hot air balloon-a vehicle created to rise up high into earth’s atmosphere. It is powered on the inside by a flame which, when the tethers are released, causes it to begin to ascend. After it is cut free, there is nothing that can make it descend, except for decreasing the heat of the flame inside.
You are like that hot air balloon. Your nature, after being born again and filled with the Spirit, is to rise up above the conditions of the earth. The Bible says that our God is a consuming fire. As you allow the flame of the Holy Spirit to burn brightly on the inside of you, you are lifted up above natural living and begin to experience supernatural living. The grace of God working on the inside of your spirit causes you to rise to your rightful spiritual place of sitting with Christ in heavenly places. The pull of the world-sin, fear, lack, sickness, condemnation, and other “weights” are like tethers which try to hold you down. But praise God, you have been cut free of these things by Jesus’ Blood. Don’t let them weigh you down any longer! Live according to your new nature –one who rises up! And keep the fire of God burning brightly on the inside by stirring yourself up in Him. Fires go out if they are not stirred, so we must take responsibility to keep ourselves ablaze by allowing the wind of the Spirit to blow upon His flame inside our spirit as we worship, pray, and meditate on the Word.
Whenever you feel yourself being “weighed down” by the pull of the world, remember this illustration and remember who you are in Christ! Nothing can keep you down!
Pastor Jeff and I love you and are believing for God’s best in your life!
Pastor Rebecca
P.S. Thank you for your prayers as we kicked off the first week of Victory Christian School! The first day was a beautiful, organized chaos, but by the end of the week the students and teachers were well on their way to settling into their more structured routines. It is so lovely to see these precious young ones begin their day with worship, Scripture memorization, and shouting LOUD praises to God (inspired by Pastor Jeff!) Come visit us some week day and see for yourself what God is doing!