Back To School
Dear Church Family,
Many of us have settled into our “back to school routine” after a nice summer break and some summer trips. Our Wednesday night Velocity attendance tripled the first week that school started. We are praying that we can keep the momentum going!
There are always possible distractions in our walk with God. In summer it is often all the trips, weekend activities like boating and camping, and just the more laid back approach that some people have during the summer. In the fall it is often all the school activities and the business of harvest season for some. We could talk about holiday business and the list could go on.
Recently one of the teenagers approached me after watching one of the Presidential candidates speak. This student had listened to all of the ludicrous ideas that sharply contrasted the Word of God. Thousands of people were cheering for those ideas, like abortion, same-sex marriage, more government spending when our government is almost broke, etc. After discussing our Godly heritage with this person, her response was, “How did our country get this way?” I replied, “It happened because in the last 50 to 60 years we have taken prayer and Bibles out of schools and veered from our Christian heritage as a nation.”
With all of the business that this time of year can bring, I want to encourage you to be firmly committed in your walk with God and to your church family. Now is not a time to back down, but to step up what we are doing as a church. People in the world are as confused as ever, but we have the Truth and we must diligently teach it to our children and loved ones as well as others around us.
Romans 12:2 (Phillips Translation) says, “Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold…” The way we keep from being squeezed into the mold of the world around us is to be immersed in God, His Word, and in Christian fellowship. Together we can be salt and light that preserves this great nation. Don’t take your part lightly. Make sure that your family is an active part of what God is doing in these last days!
God bless,
Pastor Jeff