Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Never Stop Growing

Dear Church Family,

This time of year many people are thinking about planting.  Crops and gardens are being planted.  Flowers and shrubs are being planted.  All kinds of seeds and plants are going in the ground.  Not one of us would expect those plants or seeds to reach maturity without being watered.

Mark 4:14 tells us that God’s Word is seed.  In First Corinthians 3:6 Paul says, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”  Apollos came behind Paul and strengthened the beliefs the Church already had.  The Word of God will both form beliefs and strengthen beliefs. 

It is just as important to be watered as it is to be planted.  Most Christian’s beliefs aren’t strong enough to support action.  They must be watered or strengthened for there to be proper action on a regular basis. 

Paul had two purposes for his missionary journeys.  He went to evangelize the sinner and to strengthen the saint.  In Acts 14:21-22 the Bible says that Paul returned to certain cities, “strengthening the souls of the disciples.”  At the start of his second missionary journey in Acts 15:41-42 Paul “went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.”  At the beginning of his third missionary journey in Acts 18:23, it says that Paul went back to areas he had been “strengthening all the disciples.” 

No matter how long you have been a Christian, your beliefs need to continually be watered and strengthened by the Word of God.  Your beliefs are the most important thing that you have.  They will determine the course of your life.  So stay in the Word and stay in church so you can continue to form beliefs based on God’s Word and strengthen beliefs that you already have.  This combination will put you in a place of victory and produce great fruit in your life!

One final thought: God does not want us to wither up during the summer months.  Commit right now to stay faithful all year long.  There is never a good time to backslide or let up in our walk with God! 

God bless,
Pastor Jeff